Sunday, November 11, 2018

Extraneous learning

If you are taught to do something without any logic behind it, welcome to INDIAN SOCIETY.
To all those who got offended after reading the first line, I won't be apologetic and I'll try that you understand what I am trying to say. I'll go step by step and probably you'll understand.
Let's start with schooling and college life. 
Remember mathematics, where throughout the years you were taught to find the value of 'x', now this is something no one will ask you find out. Imagine in your professional life your superior coming to you any saying "Please find the value of x by the end of the day or else you'll be sacked." The only time you'll find the value of 'x' is after your breakup.
Second subject which is confusing is Economics, where everyone was tensed because they wanted to pass. However, if you carefully study you'll understand that it made no sense. It had weird comparisons and weird conditions. Sale of wine was being compared with sale of cloth, they had assumed there is no transportation cost, no barriers, only two countries trading, which is not possible in real world. Moreover, every chapter in the end said that the chapter was based on certain assumptions and had limitations, which made the whole chapter meaningless.
Second thing which was taught to us was respecting elders, this again has no relevance. If you go and ask your parents why do we need to respect elders they wouldn't be having any reason. They'll probably tell you have to respect them because they were born before you.You are not taught to respect everyone, you have to respect elders who are your relatives. Also, you have to bend down and touch their feet as a sign of respect. This basically means that you need not respect a person by heart, you can abuse him, but whenever you meet just touch his feet.
And the funniest thing is as you grow up everyone expects you to behave in a sensible way. Now this is something we haven't been taught. We've been taught to behave like a robot and believe what your elders say, you are not allowed to question what is right and wrong. We all are blindfolded and asked to follow what we hear.
Well, I'm not being a critic, but in my opinion respecting people isn't bad, but not everyone who are not worth it. I don't see the need to respect someone who himself doesn't respect others. Probably it would make more sense to respect someone who has earned that, whether he is younger to you or elder.
We cannot blame our parents or our elders for teaching us this, probably even they were taught this by their parents.
It is really important to question our actions, at least so that when we have children we don't teach them to blindly follow someone.