Saturday, November 21, 2020

Good or Bad- Who Decides??

We have all been brought up with a mentality of 'Do good to people even if they aren't, as goodness pays off''

And every time I hear there is a smile on my face and my heart is filled with a word, it travels like a bubble from my heart to my mouth and that is 'FUCK YOU'

And this reaction is not because of the feeling of hatred towards someone, I cannot trust a society who asks me to be 'good to people who are bad' and on the contrary tell me that 'Karma hits back'

It's like living in society where people want other people to suffer for their Karma and then stopping this process by saying be good to people. It is like a thief is trying to steal something from a corrupt politician but the cops come in and arrest the thief.

This doesn't mean that I don't believe in being good or doing good, it simply means I don't stand by the ideology of being good to everyone especially the ones who have hurt you.

We all might have somewhere in life had this experience wherein we were not treated right be it by your family, friends or relatives who are someone you cannot ignore, doesn't mean that we need to be good obviously because you haven't been treated well, there is a past which might not be good and I believe its completely fine if you are not in that zone of seeing that person again. There might be instances where you come across, which doesn't mean that you need to have those feelings or that need to be cordial again.

Unfortunately we live in a society where we have always been thought about how to be socially acceptable, but no one would ask you to be good to yourself.

The problem here is we don't really acknowledge the fact of life and try and remain blindfolded always. We as individuals can see and acknowledge good things that happen, but we choose to remain blindfolded where there are differences. I believe there is always a reason of past being past, or you not having a good experience with someone, and that is what needs to be acknowledged. There is no need to get back to the same shit just because your good. 

If we think according to our mythology 'Kalyug' is what we are currently in, which basically means that atrocities and unfair behaviour would be really common here. If I put my thoughts clearly it would be like world consists of Assholes and You are going to be one person who would do good to them. The world doesn't need this goodness. You have all the right to be an Asshole to an Asshole, there is no saying 'An eye for an eye makes the world blind' true in today's day.

There have been instances, where in a girl is molested by her relative, molested by her father yet she is expected to be good to them since they are elder to her. Is that what is really needed?

Think of it honestly and the answer is 'NO'. Yet there is a constant pressure on her to be good and cordial with them, we won't think what is her thought process or how disgusted she might be feeling even seeing them. But there is no way out since they are her relatives she has to be cordial and adjust. 

Is this what being good really means, because if this means being good and socially acceptable I don't think being good is really worth it.

Yes, you need to be good and considerate for a few people who you are genuinely attached to, that is where your loyalty lies and they are someone who would never hurt you or have your back. It's not blood or family relations that should determine your behaviour. 

And most importantly it's really important for you to be good to one person under any circumstances and that is 'YOU'. No one would probably treat you right other than you yourself. It's really important to understand your experiences and then determine what to react to someone. It's not what you've been taught but it's what you learn in the life and that's what is probably important. It is important to have your views rather than someone teaching you how to be.

In a world of Assholes, if your a comparatively a lesser asshole, trust me it's good. Because you help Karma do it's role and you do your role of being good.


  1. Very true and thoughtful πŸ‘

  2. TrueπŸ‘Very well written πŸ‘πŸ’―

  3. There is another way of thinking. One must be aware of his state of mind before,during and after the action. If even after paying the person in his own coin, your mind is not disturbed then that action is right for you. With peaceful mind you can do wonders.

    1. Hey Amar, thanks for your take on it and I really appreciate you going through the blog.
      I really appreciate your view on this however I slightly differ here with the things that I have seen, i still believe it takes a while to not be disturbed by others action and being repeatedly hurt by someone. Peace can be attained by some people not actually being there
